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Unlocking Effective Engagement

Our Guides use a digital platform and proprietary data models to engage difficult to reach members and keep them engaged. Guides listen to members, talk to them on their terms, and motivate them in ways that work. Your members gain a reliable friend and a savvy insider with the empathy and resources to help them navigate whatever challenges they face.

Guides Meet Members Where They Are

  • Experienced Guides live where your members live
  • Authentic relationships, not just clinical advice
  • Data science balanced with old-fashioned empathy

AI-Powered Humans Create Real Change

Members experience Reema as an AI-powered human confidant available by text 24/7. Augmented by insights from our data models, our Guides design text messages that reach out to the right people, at the right time, with the right communication style. That means Reema blends the authentic with the automated to be both human and scalable.

Technology that Supports Empathetic Engagement

  • Identifies needs and tailors responses accordingly
  • Supports Guide interventions and interactions
  • Offers low-barrier, SMS-based communication

Better Data = Better Outcomes

Combining public data with our proprietary engagement data, Reema’s data engine anticipates which members may become high-risk. Our Guides use that data to strategically intervene and head off costly care by engaging the unengaged in the right way and over time to change lives and improve outcomes. Each interaction modifies the model for ongoing improvement.

An Iterative Smart Learning Engine

  • Anticipates which members need support
  • Learns and improves over time
  • Empowers Guides to communicate more effectively

Proven Engagement Means Lower Cost

Empowered by our powerful data models, our Guides have an incredible track record for engaging members, especially those who have never been engaged before. Of those we engage, 9 out of 10 initiate a telehealth program, begin a relationship with their PCP or mental health professional, or begin closing gaps in social care within three weeks. The result? Dramatically better health outcomes.

Results that Matter

  • 1.7x more likely to attend their PCP visit
  • 2.8x more likely to improve medication adherence
  • 29% fewer inpatient hospitalizations
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